Privacy Policy



KnowTechTure Limited (KTT) is registered in England and Wales under Company House 8978819. KTT has been operating since 2014.

In accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by KnowTechTure Ltd, with Tax ID number GB231253449 and its registered office at Suite 4 164-170 Queens Road – Sheffield S2 4DH, UK, in order to meet your inquiries. In keeping with applicable regulations, KnowTechTure Ltd informs users that their information will be kept during the necessary period in order to fulfil the aforementioned conditions.

Unless you tell otherwise, we understand your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any change. We also understand we have your consent to use your personal data for the aforementioned purposes.

KnowTechTure Ltd also informs it users that it will process the data in a lawful, honest, transparent, suitable, relevant, limited, accurate and updated manner.

KnowTechTure Ltd therefore undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure that they will be deleted or rectified without delay if they become inaccurate.

In accordance with the rights conferred on you by the current legislation on Personal Data Protection, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition by sending your request to the postal address indicated above or by writing an email to

You may write to the competent Supervisory Authority to present any claims you consider appropriate.